Proper way on How to Clean your Rabbit Hutch

Learning the proper way on how to clean your Rabbit Hutch is of vital importance because the health of your pets depend on the cleanliness of their environment. 

On this post, you will get to learn the basic and important steps that you need perform in trying to clean your rabbit's hutch and they are the following:

1. Preparing all the things you need

You will be needing a bucket of water, cloth or towel, old newspaper, animal-friendly disinfectant and other cleaning tools that you have on your arsenal.

2. Temporarily move your pets out of their hutch

Before you take your rabbits out from their hutch, make sure that you have already prepared a secured temporary place to put them on. You can actually place them in an exercise pen, crate or an area where they are free to roam around but without the presence of some other pets like dogs that could hurt them.

3. Cleaning the dirty shavings

The very first step to start cleaning your rabbit's hutch is to clean every dirt/shavings visible on every part and corner of the hutch. Scoop or use a broom to make the job a lot more easier for you. Finalizing it with a brush can also be a good idea to ensure that every last bits of dirt and dust has been thoroughly cleaned.

4. Disinfecting the floor

Your pet could get sick if the hutch's floor has been contaminated with germs. Thus, it is important to buy one of those disinfectant soap and make sure that its the type that's friendly to bunny or any other pets. 

Please don't use any random bleach or household cleaners as it might cause some irritation making your rabbits very uncomfortable on their hutch.

5. Drying and placing a newspaper

You can dry the floor by using an old cloth or towel. If the hutch is made out of a wooden floor then give it time to be completely dried. Assuming that the floor has been dried, use the newspaper to cover the floor. 

Try covering the layers with a few layers of a newspaper to ensure that it will not be easily torn apart when you are going to clean the hutch the next time around.

6. Placing hay or wood shavings

Rabbits do have different characteristics when it comes to the comfort of laying on the floor to rest. Some pet owners claim that their rabbits prefer to lay on hay shavings while others simply want the plain surface of the floor. Thus, its up to you as pet owners to discover their best comfort when they are to take a rest.

7. The food and water containers

Take out and wash those food and water containers. This task must be done regularly every time that you are to check and feed your pets.

Clean Drinking Water

8. Finally, take your rabbits out from their temporary cage and place them back into their comfortable hutches then you are done.

Few more Cleaning Tips and Advice For Bunny Owners:

- The other purpose of placing a layer of newspaper on the floor is to protect the floor from urine and feces. If your hutch's floor is made out of wood then it is very important to place a newspaper as the urine can easily damage the wooden floor.

- Cleaning the hutch can be a tedious task especially if you own several bunnies. Thus, the more pets that you have means that the more time you are to do some cleaning job perhaps regularly.

- Waste products of rabbits are perfectly good to be used as fertilizers for plants. So if you enjoy taking care your rabbit pets then why not setup a small garden as well to put their feces into good use.

- A two-story hutch is good for housing more than one rabbit pet and cleaning it properly is done by starting at the top then at the bottom.

- If you have a pregnant rabbit, it is important for you to know that you have to leave the nesting box alone and simply clean the portion around it.