How to Properly Bunny Proof your Home

Rabbits can be very destructive due to their unstoppable habit of chewing almost anything around their surroundings. Apart from chewing, they also have those sharp claws that they can use to scratch on any surfaces. If the hutch you are keeping your pet is made out of wood then there are some point that your pet can damage the walls or flooring of the hutch.

Worse cases for a rabbit pet is when you are keeping it inside your home. Almost every object upon their reach can be torn into pieces. Common accidents are also often encountered wherein rabbits chewed on unprotected high-powered electrical cords. Thus, in order for you to protect both your rabbit pet and your house, what you need is an effective method of bunny proofing.

Rabbits enjoy playing toys like kids. There are plenty of toys available at the pet shop wherein they are proven effective to keep your pet entertained. Ordinary toys might not work as the materials can be too soft for your pet to chew and swallow. This can be dangerous for your pet.

Bunnies On Carpet

Supervision is the Key

A rabbit pet always requires your attention. It acts like a bond between you and your pet. However, you don't always have the time to supervise your pet for the whole day and night. There are other things that you need to do such as go to work or school. On this case, you can keep your bunny inside its indoor or outdoor hutch unless you have completely bunny proofed your house.

Protect High-Powered Cables

It has already been stated above that the most common accidents for a rabbit pet is to chew on those high-powered cables. Their teeth are too sharp that it can easily penetrate and peel-off the coated part of any wires inside your home. This can be prevented by covering the wires with hard plastic sleeves or flex tubing. These materials are available at any hardware store.

Shelves, Chairs and Desks

A bunny is capable of jumping around 36 inches or even higher. Thus, they can easily jump their way on top of the shelves, chairs, tables, desk and other objects with higher platform around your house. What you do not want to happen is when your pet accidentally hits breakable objects from jumping onto the platform causing them to fall and break down on the floor. To avoid such accident, you might want to move things around and put them at a safer place.

Covering Loose Edges

Bunnies also enjoy digging particularly when they found a spot with loose edges. This is often encountered on carpets wherein your pet will surely pull and dug it until it becomes stringy mess. One good way to prevent your rabbit from digging a certain spot around your house is to cover the area. You can rearrange your furniture just for the purpose of covering the area or use tiles or untreated sea grass mats as they are effective coverings as well.


If you have a houseplant inside your house, make sure that they are not reachable by your pet. You have to know that most types of houseplants are toxic when consumed by your bunny. Some of these toxic plants are Tomato Leaves, Tulips and Poinsettia.

Bunny proofing your house will ensure your mind that your rabbit will be at a safe environment which goes the same with your precious belongings. There are still some other factors that are not covered on this post wherein you can provide them on the comment form provided below.