Keeping Your Rabbits Cool In Summer Season

Keeping rabbits cool in summer is very important for those bunnies that lives on their hutch or cage. The extreme heat of the summer season can be threatening or fatal condition for your pet. Thus, special precautions must be carefully followed on how to look after them during summer.

We are going to discuss these important precautions on this post but first, you must be thinking about why does summer posses a threat to your rabbit pet.

To explain, when you are exposed under extreme warm temperature you are going to sweat. This gives you the resistant to heat as compared to most animals which includes your rabbit pet. 

Your body is actually capable of discharging the heat through your skin which act as the cooling system. Unfortunately, your rabbit don't have such body function to resist heat. Along with its thick fur coat, you will have a very hot rabbit on this summer.

How about the rabbits in the wild?

Rabbits (hare) that dwells in the wild can burrow themselves deep underground to escape the heat from the sun. They can actually dig deep enough until to the layer that can make them feel cooler. Unfortunately, rabbits who are kept inside their hutch or cage cannot barrow themselves down the ground.

Wild Rabbit

The best solution from keeping your rabbits cool in summer is simply to take them inside your house at the hottest daytime period. You have to offer them a room that provides them a cooler environment. Make sure that you bring a litter pan for them to know where to place their waste products.

For those who can't take their pet inside their house, here are the following alternatives:

Cover from the Sun

You have to situate your rabbit hutch at a place that provides covering from the sun. The best choice is to move your rabbit hutch into your garage. It can also be placed at a spot with trees that provides shades.

Frozen Plastic Bottles

Fill one or two plastic bottles with water then freeze them in your refrigerator. When the water had nearly frozen into the bottles, take them out then put them into your rabbit hutch. This will provide a cool temperature inside the hutch that you may even find your pet laying against the bottles.

Ice Water

It is important that you have to provide your rabbit with water to prevent hydration. You will even make your pet a lot more happy if you are going to give an ice-water.

Chilly Ceramic Tile

A chilly ceramic tile provides a cool platform for your rabbit to lie down. You may need at least the 12 X 12 inches porcelain tile if you have a large sized pet. Simply insert the tile right into the hutch or cage during the hot hours then remove it after.

Wiping the Ears with Cool Cloth

The only way a rabbit can dissipate heat is through their ears. Thus, you will be able to help your pet by wiping its ears with cloth soaked on a cold water.

Brushing the Fur

A rabbit's fur coat contributes plenty of heat. By brushing your pet's fur regularly, you are getting rid of the excess hairs which also helps in reducing the heat temperature being experienced by your pet.

Circulating Electric Fan

During the hottest hour period of summer, you may want to take an electric-circulating fan then direct it into your rabbit hutch. A small clip-on circulating fan is much more preferred because you can fix it inside the hutch. You just have to make sure that your pet cannot chew on the cord.

Fresh Green Foods

Provide your rabbit foods such as hays, green leaves and vegetables. This green-foods are a good source of moisture.

If you intend of putting your pet into its hutch for this whole hot season of the year then you better follow those tips mentioned above on keeping your rabbit cool in summer.

Do you have any other tips that you might want to add? Please use the comment for provided below.