Herbivorous - Things to Eat and Not to Eat

Rabbits are herbivorous animals which means that they only feed on hays, grasses, fruits and almost anything else that grows out of the fertile ground. Owning a rabbit pet puts you into the task of providing your pet its diet that mimics the wild life as much as possible. Thus, you have to provide your bunny plenty of hays and grasses with small combinations of greens and pellets.

It is important not to make a sudden change on a rabbit's diet. If you are feeding your pet with hays regularly then you suddenly substituted with something different then this can trigger a digestive upset. This case is often experienced by babies or rabbits that are stressed.

Hays and Grasses Are the Most Important Diet

Never skip hays or grasses as a regular diet for your rabbit pet. According to the experts, their diet should make up to 80 to 90 percent of hays or grasses. So if you have buns then an access to unlimited supply of fresh hays is required or you will have trouble searching for them at some far places. 

If a Shop or Farm that sells bags of hays is available around your area then you can buy from them at a cheap cost. You have to know that the foundation of a rabbit's healthy diet is by feeding them a good quality of hays.

Dried Hays


Pellets are intended as a type of food that are being mixed with other natural components such as hays and grasses. The problem is that rabbits tends to pick them out as their favorites leaving the other natural and nutritious foods behind. You have to know that food pellets contains some unhealthy ingredients leading into difficulty of digestion which can lead into health problems and obesity.

If you are adding food pellets into your pet's regular diet, you should not be filling the entire bowl where at least a small handful amount per day is actually good enough. If you noticed that your rabbit is not eating enough hays then it is suggested that you should lessen the amount of pellets that you are serving to your pet.


We treat vegetables as a great source of nutrients so as the rabbits. Thus, you should feed them a variety of vegetables but you have to introduce to them in a slow manner which will allow you to observe for any possible digestive upset.

Plants, Herbs, Weeds and Flowers

If you have a garden then you can also try feeding your rabbit pet with different kinds of plants, herbs, weeds and flowers. You should pick from your garden but you have to make sure that no pesticides has been used on them. Picking plants along the roadsides is also not a good idea because of the traffic fumes. The best alternative if you do not own a garden is to buy them from the supermarkets.


Feeding your bunny with fruits provides nutritious contents that are needed by your pet but a careful amount of serving fruits must be properly observed. You must roughly serve up to 2 tablespoons worth of fruit per day. It is important for you to know that fruits can be high in sugar content which can lead into a stomach upset and imbalance of health. And such cases often lead into obesity or even death.


Bunnies must be provided with water to drink at all times. Its best to use ceramic dish as the container because they are a lot harder to be tipped as compared to those that are made with light-plastic materials.

A Few Lists of Things to Eat and Not to Eat

Here are a few lists that you can feed to your rabbit pet beside from what has already been mentioned above:

1. Celery (The strings must be removed)

2. Alfalfa Sprouts

3. Carrots and Carrot Tops

4. Herbs (Basil, Parsley, Cilantro and Mint)

5. Bok Choy

6. Dandelion Flowers and Leaves (Untreated)

7. Kale

8. Radish Tops and Sprouts

9. Broccoli (Stems and Leaves)

10. Pears

11. Blueberries

12. Grapes (No seeds)

13. Raisins

14. Banana

15. Apple (No core and seeds)

16. Plums

17. Raspberries

18. Strawberries

Now here are the few lists of foods that they don't want to eat:

1. Green Beans

2. Potatoes

3. Beets

4. Avocado

5. Cabbage

6. Sweet Potato

7. Corn

8. Onion

9. Rhubarb

10. Cereals

11. Crackers

There's actually tons of list where I do suggest that you simply Google them out.