The Proper Way of Feeding your Pet with Food Pellets

Food pellets for rabbits pets are nutritious and yummy for your pet to have something to enjoy on its regular diet. It is best recommended that pellets are mixed with their natural foods such as hays, grasses, plants, flowers, herbs and fruits. However, there are some risks of feeding your bunny with pellets where you can find more about it on the post entitled 'The Dangers of Serving Food Pellets'.

Now, here are the proper steps on how to feed your rabbit with food pellets:

1. Buy only those high-quality of commercial food pellets

There are so many different competing food pellet products that are available on the market today. So it is very important that you have to know which one to buy and which are to avoid. What you need to avoid are those food pellets that contains dried fruit, seeds and nuts as they are ingredients that can be hardly digest by your pet's digestive system. A good quality of pellet that you should buy are those products that contains at least 22% crude fiber, 14% protein, 1% fat and 1.0% calcium.

2. Store the pellets on a clean and tightly sealed container

Once you bought your rabbit's food pellet supply, it is important that you store it on a clean and tightly sealed container. Storing your pet's food pellets will preserve its freshness and protect it against dirt, sunlight and water. Apart from those, the container will also protect the pellets from any other curious animals such as cats and dogs. Most importantly, make sure that the lid is tightly closed to prevent bacteria.

3. Adding some vitamins

You should consider adding some extra-vitamins on the pellets that you are going to serve to your pet. However, you should consult your veterinarian for any precaution before attempting this step.

4. Control the amount of food pellets that you need to serve on a daily basis

According to the experts, it is highly recommended that you have to feed your bunny with food pellets that is no more than 1/8 cup of pellets per 5 pounds of rabbit a day. You need to be strict on the amount you serve no matter how your pet begs for more. Overfeeding your bunny with food pellets can result into obesity which can cause a short life-span.

5. Use a clean ceramic bowl in serving your pet's food pellets

Its best to use a ceramic type of bowl because it won't be easily tipped off by your pet unlike those bowls that are made of light plastic materials. Always wash the bowl daily then serve your pet's pellets every morning.

6. Always serve plenty of water

Rabbit Drinking Water

You will need another ceramic bowl for containing fresh and clean water for your pet. Take note, you have to clean the container as well as to change the water on it regularly.