10 Important Things that You Need to Know About your Rabbits

On this post are the list of 10 important things that you need to know about your rabbits. It has been completely summarized for those people who doesn't want to go through the tedious task of reading thousands of written word contents from various sources. Lets begin:

1. Give your Pet Enough Space

How about treating yourself to spend most of your time on a very constricted space? You will at some point get annoyed or irritated where you will end up being uncomfortable. The same experience applies to a rabbit that has been housed on a small-sized hutch or cage. Rabbits are actually like small dog wherein they need to have regular exercise.

With a large-sized rabbit hutch, your pet can freely move around which also allows them to sit up and look around. It is also important that their hutch should have a nesting area or compartment where they can privately rest.

2. Two Pairs of Pet

A rabbit living alone will make them lonely wherein it is best suggested that you should have a pair particularly of opposite sexes to mate with one another.

3. Regular Health Check-Up

Check and monitor the health of your rabbit pets regularly. If you have more than two bunnies then it is important that you have to prevent them from fighting with one another. You should also clean their unwanted litters or any waste product that they generated out from their hutch. This will prevent sickness and minimizes the risks of cancer especially for the females.

4. Keep the your Pair of Rabbits Always Together

You have to know that most rabbits seem to have a short term memory that they can easily forget about their companions for just after a few period of hours. Thus, when taking them out on a field trip or visiting a vet you should never separate them apart.

5. A Rabbit Can Be a Member of the Family

Almost every rabbit breeds can be trained to become a suitable house pets. Just like training a dog, it may take time and patience in training your bunny on how it behaves inside the house. If you want to consider taking care of your pet inside your house then the first step that your rabbit needs to learn is where to litter.

6. Handle your Pet with Care

Rabbits tends to be shy in nature that anyone who is strange or unfamiliar into their eyes will scare them away. So if you are a new bunny owner then you have to understand that it will take time for your pet develop trust. Always handle your pet gently and with extra care.

7. Feed your Rabbit with Right Diet

Rabbit's teeth are always growing wherein they always need something to chew. The most recommended diet is to feed your pet with 80 to 90 percent of hay and only a small quantity of food pellets and green vegetables. You should also provide clean water for your pet to drink.

Feeding Your Rabbit

8. Clean or Change the Beddings

You should regularly clean the bedding of your rabbit's hutch regularly. This often occurs when you take your rabbit out to play on the field. If you forgot to clean your pet's foot before putting it inside its hutch then the bedding will be soiled.

9. Keeping an Eye

Rabbits are born into this world as prey for most bigger animals. This is the reason why they adapted such type of behavior to hide any possible signs of suffering. They are unlike other animals like dogs that cries out for help if something's wrong with them. Thus, always keep an eye into your pet and don't hesitate to take your rabbit into a vet for check-up especially if you think that they have some problem.

10. Vaccination

Bunnies can be easily infected by various form of diseases especially 'myxomatosis'. This is the reason why your pet needs to be vaccinated every six months and with VDH for at least once a year.