Are Fruits Essential for Rabbit's Diet?

Many new rabbits owner are asking the question if fruits are essential diets for their little furry friend. Yes rabbits do eat varieties of fruits but to give you the direct answer into the question, 'fruits are considered as treats'. 

This means that you can feed your bunny with fruits but only with very limited and strict amount. According to the experts, it is highly advised that you should not serve more than two tablespoons a day for a 5 pound rabbit.

Rabbits can almost eat most kinds of fruits. Its actually even better if you leave the skin of the fruit if its organic. Simply wash it with clean running water to ensure that dirt will be remove. If you are concerned that a certain type of chemical might have been used on the fruit then you can peel-off the skin. Now here are a few list of fruits that are suggested for you to serve to your pet:

1. Apple (Breeds that doesn't have stem and seeds. Those with stem and seeds requires you to get rid of them before serving it to your rabbit pet)

2. Cherries (It must be without the pits)

3. Pear

4. Peach

5. Plum (It must be without the pits)

6. Kiwi

7. Papaya

8. Mango

9. Berries

10. Pineapple

11. Banana

12. Melons

13. Star Fruit

14. Apricot

15. Currants

16. Nectarine

There's actually more of an endless list but I leave that to you by searching them on Google.

The Risk of Overfeeding your Pet with Fruits

Fruits are good for us that aids our internal system making our body a lot more healthier. But for bunnies, it is the opposite. They don't actually need to consume fruits on their daily regular diet to reap the health benefits that are contained on the fruits. Thus, they are considered as treats.

Apple Fruit

Considering that you do not know the bad effects of feeding you bunny with fruits, you will notice that your pet will begin to dislike its normal healthy foods. It will ruin its appetite to eat hays and grasses wherein your pet will crave for more fruits. As a result, this could lead into three serious conditions. Your rabbit will suffer from cecal dysbiosis, intestinal problems and the worst is both.

Moreover, you should not be feeding fruits your rabbit when it is still under three months old as the contents of most fruits are strong enough to upset your pet's digestive system. Another thing to avoid is when your pet has soft stools. Once you noticed that your bunny has soft stools then you should immediately stop feeding it with fruits.