Bunny Memorials for Those Who Lost their Most Treasured Pet

If you have treated your bunny as a house pet then it will be a hard part for the whole family to see him or her go away. Especially when your rabbit has a lot of potential that exceeds your expectation as a pet. Unfortunately, bunnies does have a very short life-span.

It has already been discussed from the previous post that large-sized breed of rabbits tends to have a life-span that ranges from 3 to 5 years of age. Middle-sized breed of rabbits can reach from 6 to 8 years of age while the small-sized breeds can achieve 10 to 15 years of age.

For those who already had experience owning an incredible bunny pet as a part of their family, it is for sure that you have a lot of memorable moments that you would like to share. You might even have a photo of your pet that are you keeping to help preserve those happy memories of being together with your bunny.

Bunny Memory

On this post, I would like to ask anyone to share your stories about your great friend. It can be the saddest part of losing your pet or your funny story about him or her. Adding photos is a good idea but blogger's comment form does not support sharing images. 

So the best method of sharing your photos is to upload them on a free image hosting services like 'Photo Bucket' then paste on your comment the links. Or, you can also send it into my eMail found on the 'Contact' page and I'll post it here.

My Story About my Great Friend

The name of my rabbit pet was Gerald which was the same name as my human best-friend back in my old high-school days. We had no longer seen each other by the time that we have completed high-school as we followed separate ways on college. I took the college degree of my best interest while he took another of his own.

Gerald was my first bunny pet that I owned and what I like about him was that, he loves and enjoyed being hugged. He always wanted to be cradled into my arms like a baby for most of the time. This was the reason why all of my families also do love him.

When we were watching our favorite TV Show or Movies, he will often climbed up to any of the family members to take a nap on their lap. His furs was so comfy that I can't help my self patting with my hands while watching on our TV screen.

Apart from being an affectionate pet, he was too easy to be trained. Actually, we never even trained him how to properly litter inside our house wherein he figured it out on his own. All what we did was to put the littering tray on the corner in which we used to stock all the droppings he made around the floor. At that time we were actually looking for a guide or instruction on the net to help us how to litter train a rabbit pet.

Unexpectedly, just when we were about to teach Gerald how to properly litter on the tray he had already figured it out for himself. We found him disposing his waste product on the tray which makes the whole family completely amazed. Gerald was the most clever pet that I ever had. And I really missed him so much...

Now its your turn to share us your story.