The Importance of Serving Adequate Water to Your Pet

Water plays an important part to all living things here on our planet. For us, we need to drink at least three or more cups of water a day. Rabbits requires more sufficient amount of water on their daily needs the reason why you need to make sure that your pet's drinking-bowl has always water in it.

If you are not serving your bunny any amount of water to drink then this can lead into the desiccation of your pet's intestinal organs. The common method used by the veterinarians in gauging the state of hydration in most animals is called 'skin tenting'. However, this method does not apply with the rabbits as it always seem that there tissues appears to be well-hydrated while their intestinal contents are not.

When your rabbit suffers from a desiccated intestinal contents, all of the foods that has been consumed by your pet also becomes dry resulting into the difficulty of its intestine's normal muscular motion to push through. As a result, this leads into a life-threatening condition known as 'ileus'. Anyway, ileus can be treated if it has been recognized early by you or your vet.

Rabbit Drinking Water

How to Encourage your Rabbit to Drink more Water?

Your rabbit might just simply ignore the water that you are trying to serve. Most bunny owners actually encounter such problem so here is the method on how to encourage your pet to drink water:

1. Use Crockery Bowl and Water Bottle

To serve water to your bunny, its best to use crockery bowl and a water bottle then make an observation. If you notice that your pet often drinks from the bowl then get rid of the water bottle. In most cases, rabbits prefers to drink from bowls because it is more natural. It is also important that you have to use a clean and heavy crock bowl so that it cannot be easily tipped-over by your pet.

2. Always Serve Clean and Fresh Water

Rabbits doesn't want to drink dirty water so make sure that the water you are about to serve is fresh and clean.

3. Adding Some Ice During Warm Conditions

During summer where the whether conditions can be very warm, you can add some ice on your rabbit's drink. This will help reduce the risk of the so called deadly 'heat stroke'.

4. Adding Tasty Flavorings

You can entice your rabbit to drink water by adding some tasty flavorings such as Pedialyte, unsweetened juice or vanilla. Take note, do not add flavorings that are rich in sugar contents.

5. Wet or Submerge Hays and Grasses Before Feeding it into your Pet

6. Offer Some Watermelons

According to the general consensus, watermelon is approximately 90 percent water.

Water is one of the basic and important needs of your pet besides foods. Thus, you have to ensure that water must always be available at all times for you rabbit to drink. As a pet owner, it is your duty to serve your rabbit a supply of clean and fresh water regularly.